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Gallwn, Gofalwn

Music BTEC

 The BTEC Level 3 Music course allows learners the opportunity to further develop their musical skills. It is a highly practical course and is centred on performing, relevant music theory and industry practice.

As it is a popular music course it is suitable for students who sing or play the common pop music instruments: guitar, bass, drums, keyboards.



How will I be assessed? (Assessment)

The course is two years in length and assessment is via assignments and coursework which are internally assessed. It is equivalent to one A Level.

It is structured around a number of assignments, some of which will be short-term (gigs, written projects) while others will require evidence of long-term progression (instrumental lessons, practice logs, etc.). As performing to a high standard and demonstrating and monitoring technical improvement are such important aspects of the course it is compulsory that all students take regular instrumental/voice lessons.

Each unit has a learning content and outcomes that are clearly stated and students will be kept informed of their progress. There are compulsory and optional units ensuring that learners can work to their strengths.

Compulsory unit: Music Performance Techniques

Optional units:

  • Composing Music
  • Modern Music in Practice
  • Solo Music Performance Skills
  • Singing Techniques and Performance
  • The Sound and Music Industry
  • Music in the Community

What kind of work will I do outside the classroom?

Practise instrument or voice on a regular basis, Extra-curricular music.

What could I do at the end of my course? (Progressions)

The BTEC Level 3 music qualification provides a sound basis for students wishing to proceed to university / higher education courses in Popular/ Commercial Music. It can lead to careers in performing, teaching, and composition as well as related areas in publishing and media. It is equivalent to one full A Level.

Entry Requirements: GCSE Music C